Some tips for better, more readable blog posts.
Aim for interesting titles: Your posts appear in RSS feeds, search engine results, and social media posts in a "truncated" format. Often, the only thing people see before making a decision to read your post is the title.

Post length and frequency
- Reader attention span averages 100 seconds
- Use strong openings to your posts
- Use images
- 250-750 words is optimum
- Bottom line: hold your reader’s attention
- If syndicating to email, probably no more than 2 times a month
- If syndicating to social media or RSS feeds, then more is OK
- "Something" once a month is a good target to aim for
- Blogging is a more informal medium than print, and your writing style should reflect that
- Let your personality come out in what you write
- Know your audience
- Know your purpose
- Write with clarity, warmth, humility. Show, don’t tell.
- Edit your work before posting